ensure that the lock icon is only shown on stories that are restricted, instead of *every* one
245 lines
6.6 KiB
245 lines
6.6 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { IStory } from "@models/stories";
import StoryActions from "~/components/story/atoms/actions.vue";
import { format } from "date-fns";
import icon from "../icon.vue";
import { theme } from "ant-design-vue";
import metaItem from "./metaItem.vue";
const { useToken } = theme;
const { token } = useToken();
const dark = inject<Ref<boolean>>("dark");
const { data } = useAuth();
const story = defineModel<IStory>("story", { required: true });
let prop = defineProps<{ last?: boolean; showActions?: boolean }>();
const idxo = computed(() => (prop.last || false ? story.value.chapters.length : 1) - 1);
// console.log("idx0->", idxo)
// log.debug("posti->", prop.story.chapters[ prop.story.chapters.length - 1 ]);
const shortDate = format(Date.parse(story.value.chapters[story.value.chapters.length - 1]?.posted!.toString()), "yyyy/MM/dd");
const longDate = format(Date.parse(story.value.chapters[story.value.chapters.length - 1]?.posted!.toString()), "iiii',' yyyy-MM-dd");
<template #title>
<div style="padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 0.8em">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between">
<nuxt-link :to="`/story/${story._id}/${idxo + 1}`">
{{ story.title }}
<a-tooltip v-if="!data?.user && story.chapters[idxo].loggedInOnly" placement="topLeft">
<template #title> You'll need to log in to read this story. Register if you don't already have an account -- it's free! </template>
<icon istyle="solid" name="lock" />
<div style="display: flex; font-size: 0.9em; align-items: baseline" class="headerthing">
<span> a </span>
<div style="" v-for="(band, idx) in story.chapters[idxo].bands.filter((a) => !!a)">
<NuxtLink :to="`/band/${band._id}`"> {{ band.name }} </NuxtLink>{{ idx < story.chapters[idxo].bands.length - 1 ? ", " : "" }}
<span> fic by </span>
<span v-if="story.author">
<NuxtLink :to="`/user/${story.author._id}`">
{{ story.author.username }}
<span v-else>...</span>
<span v-if="story.coAuthor">
<NuxtLink :to="`/user/${story.coAuthor._id}`">
{{ story.coAuthor.username }}
<div v-html="story.chapters[idxo].summary" />
<a-card v-if="story.ficmas != null" class="ficmasBlurb lessPadding">
Written as a gift for
<NuxtLink :to="`/user/${story.ficmas.wisher?._id || 1}`">
{{ story.ficmas.wisher?.username || "<...>" }}
as part of {{ story.ficmas.year }}’s
<span v-if="story.ficmas.anniversary"> Anniversary Ficmas Fest </span>
<span v-else> A Very Kinky Rockfic Ficmas Fest. </span>
v-if="story.challenge != null"
background: story.challenge.color,
Entry for the
<NuxtLink :to="`/challenge/${story.challenge._id}`">
{{ story.challenge.name }}
<a-divider :style="{ borderColor: token['pink-5'], marginBottom: '1em' }" />
<div class="storyMeta">
<div class="inner">
<span v-if="story.chapters.length > 1">
<NuxtLink :to="`/story/${story._id}/chapters`"> {{ story.chapters.length }} chapters </NuxtLink>
<span v-else> {{ story.chapters.length }} chapter </span>
{{ story.chapters[idxo].nsfw ? "Adult" : "Not so adult" }}
{{ story.completed ? "Completed" : "WIP" }}
<div class="outer">
<meta-item :span="1" label="Genre(s)">
{{ story.chapters[idxo].genre.join(", ") }}
<meta-item label="Characters">
{{ story.chapters[idxo].characters.join(", ") }}
<meta-item label="Relationship(s)">
<div style="display: inline-block" v-for="(rel, idx) in story.chapters[idxo].relationships">
{{ Array.isArray(rel) ? rel.join("/") : rel }}
{{ idx < story.chapters[idxo].relationships.length - 1 ? "," : "" }}
<span v-if="story.chapters[idxo].relationships.length < 1">
<meta-item label="Last updated">
<template #title>
{{ longDate }}
{{ shortDate }}
<div class="stats">
<span class="staticon">
<icon :istyle="!dark ? 'solid' : 'regular'" icolor="#ff2883" :size="12" name="heart" />
{{ story.favs }}
<span class="staticon">
<icon :istyle="!dark ? 'solid' : 'regular'" icolor="#1787d7" :size="12" name="book-open" />
{{ story.views }}
<span class="staticon">
<icon :istyle="!dark ? 'solid' : 'regular'" icolor="#51e07c" :size="12" name="thumbs-up" />
{{ story.recs }}
<span class="staticon">
<icon :istyle="!dark ? 'solid' : 'regular'" icolor="#c2d420" :size="12" name="download" />
{{ story.downloads }}
<span class="staticon">
<icon istyle="solid" icolor="#0083aa" :size="12" name="comment" />
{{ story.reviews }}
<template #actions v-if="showActions || false">
<story-actions :story="story" />
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