☙◦ The Tablet ❀ GamerGirlandCo ◦❧ 3afcd2b602
refactor(components): update pairing selector
- add data-testid attr
- change placement of menu popup
- allow selection clearing
2024-11-11 18:12:55 -05:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Field, useFieldArray } from "vee-validate";
import { IBand } from "@models/band";
const { sb: selectedBands } = inject<any>("selectedBands");
const allBands = inject<Ref<IBand[]>>("bandlist");
const fname = inject<string>("curName");
const opts = computed(() => {
const uf: any[] = [];
selectedBands.value.forEach((v: number) => {
uf.push(allBands?.value.find((a) => a._id == v)?.characters ?? []);
return uf.flat(Infinity).map((a) => ({ value: a, label: a }));
const { fields, push, remove, replace, update } = useFieldArray<string[]>(fname + "relationships");
// replace([]);
<a-form-item label="Pairings">
<a-row :gutter="5" :wrap="true" v-for="(field, idx) in fields" :key="field.key">
<Field :name="fname + 'relationships' + `[${idx}]`">
v-model:value="field.value as string[]"
@change="(val) => update(idx, val as string[])"
<template #removeIcon>
<i class="far fa-circle-x" />
<template #menuItemSelectedIcon>
<icon istyle="regular" name="circle-check" />
<a-col :span="4">
<a-button :data-testid="`${$attrs['data-testid']}.${idx}.remove`" @click="(e) => remove(idx)"> - </a-button>
<a-row justify="end">
<a-col :span="2">
<a-button :data-testid="`${$attrs['data-testid']}.add`" @click="(e) => push([])"> + </a-button>