set `coAuthor` field's initial value to whatever is provided in the `data` prop instead of always null
168 lines
5.3 KiB
168 lines
5.3 KiB
<script setup lang="ts">
import draggable from "vuedraggable";
import { v4 } from "uuid";
import lmove from "lodash-move";
import { Field, FieldArray, useForm } from "vee-validate";
import { storySchema } from "@client/storyFormSchema";
import { FormStory, defaultChapter } from "@client/types/form/story";
import { autoEdit, autoSave, debouncedAutoEdit, debouncedAutoSave } from "@client/utils";
import findUser from "~/components/findUser.vue";
import singleChapter from "./singleChapter.vue";
import icon from "~/components/icon.vue";
const props = defineProps<{
canDraft?: boolean;
endpoint: string;
endpointMethod: "put" | "post";
submitText?: string;
const dc = defaultChapter;
// data: FormStory;
const data = defineModel<FormStory>("data", {
required: true,
let drag = false;
const expandos = ref<string[]>([]);
function logSubmit(values, actions) {
const otherBtnInvoked = ref<boolean>(false);
async function onSubmit(values, actions) {
logSubmit(values, actions);
if (props.canDraft) {
if (otherBtnInvoked.value) {
otherBtnInvoked.value = false;
await autoSave(values);
} else {
const { data: dat } = await useApiFetch(`/story/new`, {
method: "post",
body: values,
} else {
await autoEdit(values, props.endpoint, props.endpointMethod);
function inval({ values, errors, results }) {
logSubmit(values, undefined);
const { values, setFieldValue, handleSubmit } = useForm<FormStory>({
keepValuesOnUnmount: true,
validationSchema: storySchema,
initialValues: data.value,
const subCb = handleSubmit(onSubmit);
<!-- <vee-form
v-slot="{ values, setFieldValue }"
> -->
<form @submit="subCb" @change="() => (canDraft ? debouncedAutoSave(values) : debouncedAutoEdit(values, endpoint, endpointMethod))">
<!-- <a-form v-bind:model="acData"> -->
<Field name="title" v-slot="{ value, field, errorMessage }">
<a-form-item label="Title" :help="errorMessage" :validate-status="!!errorMessage ? 'error' : ''">
<a-input v-bind="field" :value="value" />
<a-form-item label="Co-author (optional)">
<find-user :initial-option="data.coAuthor" fieldName="coAuthor" :multi="false" />
<Field :unchecked-value="false" :value="true" type="checkbox" name="completed" v-slot="{ value, field, errorMessage }">
<a-checkbox v-bind="field"> Complete </a-checkbox>
<a-divider />
<!-- <test1/> -->
<field-array name="chapters" v-slot="{ fields, push, remove, move }">
:component-data="{ type: 'transtion-group' }"
@start="drag = true"
@end="drag = false"
(e) => {
if (e.moved) {
// log.debug(e.moved);
move(e.moved.oldIndex, e.moved.newIndex);
data.chapters = lmove(data.chapters, e.moved.oldIndex, e.moved.newIndex);
// log.debug(toRaw( => toRaw(a))));
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<a-collapse v-model:active-key="expandos" collapsible="icon">
<a-collapse-panel :key="`${element.uuidKey}`">
<template #header>
{{ values.chapters[index]?.chapterTitle || "Untitled" }}
(e) => {
let localFields = toRaw(fields);
// log.debug(`${index} | ${element.index}`);
// log.debug('fields->', localFields);
data.chapters.splice(index, 1);
// todo renumber
// renumber()
<icon istyle="regular" name="trash" />
<single-chapter :data="element" :name="`chapters[${index}]`" />
<template #footer>
(e) => {
if (!Array.isArray(values.chapters)) {
// noinspection TypeScriptValidateTypes
setFieldValue('chapters', []);
const chaps = [...toRaw(values.chapters)];
let lastIndex = chaps.length - 1;
if (lastIndex < 0) lastIndex = 0;
let lastChapter = chaps[lastIndex];
// log.debug('chaptrs->', chaps);
// log.debug('lastIndex->', lastIndex, lastChapter);
let newChapter = Object.assign({}, defaultChapter, {
summary: lastChapter?.summary || '',
index: (lastChapter?.index || 0) + 1,
bands: lastChapter?.bands || [],
characters: lastChapter?.characters || [],
relationships: lastChapter?.relationships || [],
uuidKey: v4(),
genre: lastChapter?.genre || [],
// log.debug('nc->', newChapter);
Add chapter
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">{{ submitText || "Post" }}</a-button>
<a-button html-type="submit" v-if="canDraft" @click="() => (otherBtnInvoked = true)"> Save for Later </a-button>
<!-- </vee-form> -->