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		<h3>Age Policy</h3>
		You must be 18 years of age or older to have an account. If you are found to
		be underage, your account will be suspended without notice.
			<li>Rockfic.com is not affiliated with any band listed on the site;</li>
				All stories are fictional and for entertainment purposes only, which
				means that while the characters may be loosely based on the public
				personas of real people, the stories are completely ungrounded from
				reality and are in no way meant to reflect the private lives, actual
				practices, or activities of any persons named;
				Rockfic.com will remove a work of fiction if an individual named within
				requests its removal;
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				any third party;
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				rights and safety of Rockfic.com users.

				Rockfic.com does not own any of the stories published on the site, nor
				are its administrators legally accountable for its content;
			<li>Authors are the sole copyright owners of their stories;</li>
				Authors are responsible for managing any content they create; this
				includes managing the privacy settings facilitated by the site;
				Rockfic.com reserves the right to remove content, including anything we
				consider offensive, inappropriate or defamatory, at our discretion; any
				content we decide to remove will be done in accordance with our
				Submission Rules;
				Rockfic.com reserves the right to edit content, in line with our
				Submission Rules.
				If you believe that you own the copyright in any of the content on
				Rockfic.com, and you have not been recognized as the copyright owner,
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				Rockfic.com operates a strict anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy;
				if you have an issue to report, contact us;
				Rockfic.com will permanently ban users who:
				<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha">
						break the law, for example by saying something libellous, or by
						posting something which results in a criminal offence;
					<li>share the personal details of users without their permission;</li>
					<li>impersonate another user;</li>
						collect or use any information from Rockfic.com with the intent to
						harm, discredit or harass any other user; or
					<li>do anything which impacts the performance of the site.</li>
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		except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially
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