# define the stages in this pipeline stages: - build - deploy # define the build stage build_stage: stage: build # use node docker image as enviroment image: node:latest script: # install & build the NuxtJS application - apt update #- apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3 build-essential - npm install - npm run build # define artifacts which are shared between stages artifacts: paths: - .output/ # restrict to specific branch only: - master # define the deploy stage deploy_stage: stage: deploy # use our deploy image image: ubuntu:latest # install needed packages # add the SSH key from the variable SSH_DEPLOY_KEY and disable StrictHostKeyChecking before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends rsync git openssh-client curl sshpass - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - chmod 600 ${SSH_DEPLOY_KEY} - ssh-add ${SSH_DEPLOY_KEY} - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - '[[ -f /.dockerenv ]] && echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config' script: # deploy application and server configuration - cat ${ENV_FILE} | ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} 'cat > rockfic-staging/.env' - rsync --archive --delete ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER}:~/rockfic-staging/ #- rsync --archive --delete ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cnf/ ${DEPLOY_USER}@${DEPLOY_SERVER}:~/cnf/ # restart Node.js and reload nginx configuration - sshpass -p "${OLDROOTPWD}" ssh root@rockfic.com '~/cp.sh' - ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} "mongosh mongodb://localhost <(echo -e \"use rockfic_old\n db.dropDatabase()\n use ${DB_NAME}\n db.dropDatabase()\")" - ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} 'mongorestore -d rockfic_old dump/rockfic' - ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} 'cd migrator && bun install && bun run ./index.ts' - ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} node run "~/rockfic-staging/.output/server/index.mjs" \&\>/dev/null \& disown \%1 - ssh rockfic@${DEPLOY_SERVER} systemctl reload apache2 environment: name: staging url: https://next.rockfic.com # restrict to specific branch only: - master