<script setup lang="ts"> import { theme } from "ant-design-vue"; import navbar from "~/components/layouts/navbar.vue"; import cfooter from "~/components/layouts/footer.vue"; import icon from "~/components/icon.vue"; const { useToken } = theme; const { token } = useToken(); const { data: totals }: any = await useApiFetch("/totals"); let darko = inject("dark"); </script> <template> <a-layout style="padding: 10px; background: unset !important"> <a-layout-header class="alayhead"> <div style="display: flex; align-items: center"> <a-typography-title class="siteTitle" :style="{ color: '#ff2883', fontFamily: 'jandles', fontSize: '5em', margin: 0, }" > Rockfic </a-typography-title> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column"> <a-typography-text> Band fiction that rocks </a-typography-text> <br /> <a-typography-text type="secondary"> With {{ totals.stories }} stories by {{ totals.authors }} authors </a-typography-text> </div> <navbar /> </div> </a-layout-header> <a-layout-content> <slot /> <a-float-button type="primary" :style="{ height: '50px', width: '50px' }" tooltip="Post a new Story" > <template #icon> <icon istyle="regular" name="file-plus" /> </template> </a-float-button> </a-layout-content> <a-layout-footer> <cfooter /> </a-layout-footer> </a-layout> </template> <style scoped> .siteTitle { min-width: max-content; font-weight: normal; /* float: left; */ } .alayhead { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; /* background: inherit !important; */ height: unset !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } .alayhead > div > * + * { margin-left: 1.2em; } </style>