<script setup lang="ts">
	import { theme } from "ant-design-vue";
	import navbar from "~/components/layouts/navbar.vue";
	import cfooter from "~/components/layouts/footer.vue";
	import sidebarThing from "~/components/layouts/sidebar.vue";
	import icon from "~/components/icon.vue";

	const { useToken } = theme;
	const { token } = useToken();

	const col = token.value.colorText;

	const {
		data: { value: totals },
	} = await useApiFetch<{ stories: number; authors: number }>("/totals");

	const collapsed = ref<boolean>(true);

	collapsed.value = true;

	const sideTriggerVal = computed(() => {
		let th = collapsed.value ? " collapsed" : "";
		return `sider-trigger${th}`;
	const darkBool = inject<boolean>("dark");
	// const {data: rd } = await useApiFetch<ISidebarItem[]>("/sidebar")
	// provide("sidebar-items", rd.data)

	provide("collapsed", collapsed);
	let darko = inject("dark");
			token: {
				colorPrimary: '#f14668',
				colorSuccess: '#2be396',
				colorWarning: '#face14',
				colorInfo: '#15c6e3',
				colorTextBase: darkBool ? '#fff' : '#101010',
			algorithm: darkBool ? theme.darkAlgorithm : theme.defaultAlgorithm,
		<template #renderEmpty>
			<a-typography-title> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ </a-typography-title>
			<i> Nothing here but crickets. </i>
		<a-layout class="ylayout" has-sider>
			<a-layout class="mlayout">
				<a-layout-header class="alayhead">
					<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap">
						<div class="siteTitle">Rockfic</div>
						<div class="stat-block">
								<a-typography-text> Band fiction that rocks </a-typography-text>
								<a-typography-text type="secondary"> With {{ totals?.stories || 0 }} stories by {{ totals?.authors || 0 }} authors </a-typography-text>
						<navbar />
				<a-layout-content style="flex-grow: 1">
					<slot />
				<a-layout-footer style="bottom: 100%">
					<cfooter />
					background: '#e92662',
					padding: '1.2em',
					position: 'fixed',
					right: 0,
					borderRadius: '15%',
					color: 'white',
					border: '2.4px solid #fffFFF80',
					top: '75vh',
					'z-index': 99999999,
				:theme="darko ? 'dark' : 'light'"
					color: col,
					height: '100%',
					position: 'fixed',
					right: '0px',
					borderLeft: `2px solid ${darko ? '#fff' : '#ccc'}`,
				<sidebar-thing />
				<template #trigger>
					<div class="outerst" @click="() => (collapsed = !collapsed)">
						<div :class="sideTriggerVal">
							<icon istyle="solid" name="chevron-right" :size="30" />
		<!-- <div class="mlayout">
		</div> -->

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